Flash memories are no longer a luxury, they can significantly speed up all server applications

Storage solutions from the IBM FlashSystem family have extremely fast flash memory instead of rotating hard drives.

Using SSD or flash memory is the easiest way to significantly speed up data storage and all applications. IBM FlashSystem offers a choice of several model lines that can adapt to all requirements - no matter how big the company is.

Significant acceleration

According to the infrastructure model, it is possible to completely replace it with flash storage, but also to integrate the flash system into existing systems with rotating disks. Whether you opt for one or the other implementation method, the goal is always to reduce the time required for various input and output operations to a minimum.

The difference can be huge. The example of one information system used in the financial sphere speaks for itself. Here, the specialists from eGroup Solutions, an IBM platinum partner, implemented four pieces of flash systems from IBM.

"For IT technologies to perform the required tasks, they must be appropriately selected, properly deployed and operated with sufficient professional care."

Rudolf Bohuš, eGroup Solutions

They are embedded in a virtualized storage infrastructure, and such appropriate integration and optimization has resulted in significant acceleration. Specifically, long-term monitoring showed that the average time to perform I / O operations was shortened from the original values of about 2.5 - 3 ms to values less than a millisecond - about 0.9 ms.

Experience with the implementation is important

All real-time applications can benefit from the use of SSDs or flash memory. Typical examples are portal applications of all kinds, applications using elements of artificial intelligence, autonomous car management and also all database, ERP and CRM applications. "The difference is most visible in applications with thousands of clients simultaneously accessing the same data or in general in applications demanding reading and writing data," says Stanislav Dzúrik from IBM Slovakia about the benefits of the flash system.

It is also important that directly during the transition from rotating disk systems to flash systems, no optimization of the main application is required, only minimal changes are needed at the level of the operating system. However, the experience is important during the implementation: "In order for everything to work as it should, it is necessary to choose the right components of IT infrastructure that will be 'happy together' and will not cause problems in IT operations," describes practical experience Rudolf Bohuš from eGroup Solutions.

"The reliability of SSDs and flash media today is certainly on par with that of traditional spinning disks,"

Reliable flash memory

Modern SSDs and flash memory are just as reliable as conventional rotary disks. They are not dependent on moving parts and other mechanical elements, which are a frequent source of failures. The disk array measures the rate of flash memory wear and its current level can be seen by the administrator directly on the console via the user interface.  

To check the wear is important because all IBM FlashSystem disk arrays have the IBM FlashWatch program included in the base price of the hardware warranty or contractual support. As part of this, IBM will replace any end-of-life flash module. Regardless of the number of overwriting achieved within the agreed SLA.  

Today, IBM recommends using distributed RAID6 for hardware outage protection, which provides protection against a two-disk failure and up to ten times faster recovery from such a hardware failure. When using flash media, RAID6 has no negative impact on system performance or latency.

Compared to conventional flash memory, IBM also offers something special - the patented IBM FlashCore technology, which significantly improves the life, performance and latency of traditional flash modules. Flash modules incorporating this technology are called FlashCore modules and are available for the FlashSystem 5100 model line and higher.

„FlashCore enables hardware inline compression and data encryption directly at the level of the flash module itself. Thanks to FlashCore technology, the lifespan of flash media will increase several times, the latency is constant and reaches values up to 150µs and thanks to the pseudo SLC cache mechanism up to twice as high performance as conventional TLC flash media," S. Dzúrik from IBM explains the unique technology.

Another league in speed  

In terms of speed, storage systems based on SSD and flash memory play a different league than conventional rotary storage. A multiple increase in performance and an order of magnitude reduction in latency, regardless of the application, are strong arguments. The IBM FlashSystem solution can be adapted to your needs and, thanks to the unique, patented FlashCore technology, is ahead of the competition.

Why choose IBM FlashSystem
  • flash memory systems allow several times faster acceleration than rotating disk systems,
  • all apllications that work in real time can benefit from the use of the flash system,
  • electricity savings are immediately visible - at least 40%,
  • as part of the IBM FlashWatch program, IBM will automatically replace any flash module that is near the end of its life,
  • it is also possible to implement hybrid disk arrays that combine flash and rotating systems,
  • a suitable solution can be found for all types of commercial enterprises from the smallest to the largest, even for the state administration.

Source: živé.sk (Read the article)

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